Become A Partner Agency
To determine if your organization qualifies as a Partner Agency, review the following:
1. The applicant organization must be tax-exempt under Section 501c3 of the Federal Internal Revenue Service.
2. Organization must have a Board of Directors with a minimum of five members, majority not related.
3. The applicant organization must provide feeding service(s) without exclusion or discrimination to the ill, the needy, and/or infants without regard to race, color, creed, religious affiliation, age, sexual orientation, handicap, sex or national origin.
4. The applicant organization must have been feeding people (pantry, soup kitchen, etc.) for a
minimum of 6 months, and serving a minimum of 50 individuals per month. Client forms are required.
5. Applicant organizations that serve meals or cook must be Serv-Safe certified (food safety certification).
6. All feeding programs must operate regularly with set days and hours at least
twice per month. Exceptions are allowed for school-based organizations.
7. Thermometers are required at the initial visit and permanently kept in all compartments of refrigeration and/or freezer spaces. A daily temperature log must be used to ensure proper temperatures are maintained. Thermometers must be in place prior to submitting the application to Second Harvest for partnership.
8. Organization cannot distribute food or feed during or after church services. Food distribution or meals are allowed BEFORE church services. This allows clients the option of attending services or declining.
9. Organizations must have a consistent source of food, donated or purchased. Second Harvest Food Bank cannot supply 100% of your needs.
If you meet the criteria above, please contact Kari Winters, Agency Services Manager at